Saturday, September 8, 2012

NSW unveils its renewable energy action plan

by Giles Parkinson

NSW has restated its support for the 20 per cent renewable energy target, and unveiled a draft of its own Renewable Energy Action Plan in an effort to ensure that the state gets its share of an estimated $36 billion in clean energy investment.
The plan was unveiled at the University of NSW by Energy Minister Chris Hartcher and Parliamentary Secretary for Renewable Energy Rob Stokes and outlines 28 actions to encourage investment.
Hartcher said a strong renewable energy sector was vital to supporting employment and growing the state’s economy, and it wanted to attract more projects such as the 160MW solar PV plant being built by AGL Energy and First Solar at Broken Hill and Nyngan.
The government estimates that 6,000 jobs will be created out to 2020 from renewable energy investments. The state is also keen on getting its share of the $10 billion to be invested by the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, which is to be based in Sydney, and will support the development of emerging technologies.
However, Hartcher also kept to the state’s mantra of “no extra costs to consumers” and said “only the best value” for money solutions will be adopted. “We have heard loud and clear that people are fed up with soaring electricity prices which is why consumers have been front of mind in the development of this Plan.”
But he also said the government will also fast track its energy efficiency plan, which it estimates can save 16,000GWh of electricity by 2020 and deliver $2.8 billion in avoided electricity costs.

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