Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sydney trigen? Try again with renewables

We’ve seen old central coal plants closed down and replacements built hundreds of kilometres away.Since the industrial revolution, when cities became dirty places, we have been removing pollution from their streets and neighbourhoods.
Stricter and stricter vehicle emissions standards have been enacted to reduce local pollution and improve the health, wellbeing and happiness of city dwellers.
So why would you choose to then bring a gas power plant back into the centre of the city, where it will release large quantities of health-damaging nitrogen oxide?
A subsidiary of Origin Energy and the City of Sydney have done a deal to start rolling out trigeneration (“trigen”) gas generators in the most heavily populated urban area of Australia.
Trigen is being touted as the new clean, decentralised system for generating power. You might hear about its fabulous efficiency, or the potential to burn renewable bio-gas in future, but when you remove the spin, it’s just re-packaged fossil gas.

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