WASHINGTON, July 12, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Troubling Parallels Seen: The "U.S. Has the Same Colluding System Between Industry, Regulators and Government"
The same underlying "man-made" problems that contribute significantly to the Fukushima reactor disaster in Japan are in place in the United States and require preventative actions that go far beyond the limited steps taken far by the U.S. industry and its regulators, according to five groups commenting today on the English-language version of the official report of the Japanese Parliament's Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission.
The 85-page executive summary of the report can be viewed in English at http://www.nirs.org/fukushima/naiic_report.pdf .
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) Executive Director Catherine Thomasson said: "American regulators and the federal government should take heed. This report should serve as a warning that the U.S. has the same colluding system between industry, regulators and government. There are some reactors that will never have adequate evacuation plans as they are too close to human populations to be managed without severe consequences should a catastrophic accident occur. Others will remain problematic because there is the same mindset as in Japan that such accidents could not occur in our country hence there is inadequate preparation."
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