Monday, July 23, 2012

The growing potential of solar energy

Mounting photovoltaic panels on anti-avalanche infrastructure in canton Valais
Mounting photovoltaic panels on anti-avalanche infrastructure in canton Valais (Keystone)
by Andreas Keiser,

Solar power could play a central role in Switzerland’s future energy mix by partially replacing nuclear energy which will be phased out in future. The solar industry has requested more subsidies to fund accelerated expansion.

The Swiss parliament decided in 2011 against the construction of new nuclear power plants in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan and a wider shift away from atomic power.
In the coming months Switzerland’s new energy policy must be fine-tuned and agreement found on the substance and framework of how to exit nuclear energy.

At stake is how this can be achieved, finding potential energy saving mechanisms to cushion the blow and financing the exit from nuclear power.

“The electricity market will adjust to the new conditions. This is not an issue. If the conditions are clear and reliable, the industry can make the necessary investments and utility companies can align their strategies,” Thomas Zwald, head of public affairs at the Swiss Association of Electricity Companies, told

Nuclear substitute

As an interim solution, the electricity industry has its sights set on gas-fired plants, but the questionable environmental credentials of this energy source have placed doubts on its acceptance as a long-term answer.

Up to now solar power has been a niche product in Switzerland, with nuclear power currently providing 40 per cent of electricity.

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