Sunday, December 1, 2013

Energy Generated On-Site Forecast To Save £Billions

Businesses in the UK are, of course, major users of energy so any switch to sources of renewable energy is going to have a significant impact on this country being able to meet its carbon emission and renewable energy targets in the next few years. Of course, no business is going to entertain such a switch unless it is going to be financially viable to do so.
solar panels have the potential to save UK businesses significant sums
Solar panels could play a significant part in UK businesses saving money
Verdantix, that are a firm of independent analysts, have carried out some research on behalf of Utilyx that are specialist energy consultants which reveals that a substantial sum of money can be saved by businesses in this country that participate in the on-site generation of energy to provide heating and electricity for their buildings. It has been estimated that from 2010 to 2030 a figure of £33 billion can be saved by using the likes of solar panels, wind turbines and by recycling food waste. You will no doubt agree that is a sizeable sum.
It is believed that, in 2011, the energy generating capacity from the above sources was 9%. By 2030, it is forecast that this figure could rise to as much as 14% and that is certainly a step in the right direction. Furthermore, it is estimated that these on-site energy-generating schemes will save 350 million tonnes of carbon emissions by 2030.
Historically, large corporates have committed management time to negotiating favourable tariffs with the utility companies and this will no doubt continue into the future. However, the above should perhaps encourage more companies to also look into the financial viability of on-site energy generation both to potentially benefit the bottom line in their trading profit and loss account as well as playing their part in helping the UK achieve its renewable energy and carbon emission targets.

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